How often do you wash a Thermoskin thermal support or elastic?
If worn at the office, around the house or in bed, wash Thermoskin every 2 or 3 days. If worn during sports activity or heavy work, wash daily.
How long do you wear a thermal support for?
Thermoskin thermal supports can be worn at any time. For best results we recommend the following:
During the winter months Thermoskin thermal supports can be worn prior to, during or after the activity. During the summer months Thermoskin should be worn before and after the activity only.
Use during the activity should be at the users discretion and comfort.
Can you wear a thermal support to bed at night?
They can be worn to bed at night. Anecdotal evidence has shown that if the Thermoskin thermal support is worn during sleep there is a minimising of pain occurring.
What is the correct fit – Tight or Loose?
It is most important that the correct size of Thermoskin is worn to ensure effective treatment. To determine the size required, use a tape measure and check the Thermoskin Measurement Chart for the correct size. The Thermoskin products should be a comfortable fit, not too tight.
Can you use it in conjunction with analgesic balms?
No, do not use ointments, liniments or oils under Thermoskin products as it reduces the life of the product by breaking down the material.
Do you always wear thermal supports against the skin?
Yes, it should always be worn against the skin.
What do you do if it causes skin irritation?
If a rash appears, discontinue use until the rash subsides. Wash the product and re-apply periodically. To discourage the rash reappearing we recommend to users, that while bathing they scrub the area that the Thermoskin product has covered. If a rash continues please consult your Doctor.
When is the best time to wear it?
For thermal treatment to be truly effective, the heat needs to be applied continuously for long periods and during a range of activity levels. This is obviously impossible with traditional thermal treatment that requires immobility. Thermoskin thermal supports are an easier and convenient form of thermal treatment. These crucial requirements in thermal treatment can be met, helping to get people back to work and play more quickly.
What is the difference between the Knee and the Knee Patella thermal supports?
The Standard Knee is suitable for most applications, including patients with fluid retention around the kneecap.
The Knee Patella allows more flexibility around the kneecap. As the kneecap is free from any compression, any tenderness or bruising that may be present on the kneecap itself will not be aggravated.
Do Thermoskin Thermal Supports contain Latex?
Thermoskin Thermal Supports are manufactured using 3 types of materials; nylon (outer layer), a non-porous rubberised material (mid-layer) and a synthetic fibre (Trioxon inner layer). None of these materials contain latex.