Hamstring Rupture
The hamstring muscles include: biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. These muscles act as flexors of the knee joint and extensors of the hip. They also assist with rotation at the knee.
Mechanism of Injury
- Overstretching or forceful contraction such as in sprinting and hurdling.
- There is typically a history of sudden onset of pain in the posterior thigh associated with explosive activity. A “pop” may have been heard.
- Local tenderness is found on palpation with the athlete prone (lying on their front).
- The hematoma may reach the skin, causing discolouration after a few days.
- Sometimes a palpable defect can be present.
- Pain can be felt while flexing the knee or extending the hip against resistance.
Please consult with your medical professional for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.
Provides protection, heat and support for the groin /upper thigh and hip area. It is useful in the prevention and rehabilitation of abductor/quadricep strains, hip displacement and tendonitis
Provides protection and support. Aids in the prevention and rehabilitation of quadricep and hamstring muscle strain.